• Pledge Drive

Contact Rev. Carol Manahan, cmanahan.ccmv@gmail.com

  • Membership Invitation


Worship with us

Services each Sunday at 10 am.
Join us in the sanctuary, or on Zoom followed by informal coffee hour. Check our Worship page.

Bible Study on Wednesdays, 7:30 pm on Zoom.
Gather for Bible study and conversation.

Study with us

Explore ideas with us

Discussion Group on Thursdays, 11 am on Zoom.
Book discussion.

We look forward to worshiping and visiting with you!


Community Church of Mill Valley

An Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ.

8 Olive Street
Corner of Olive and Throckmorton
Mill Valley, CA 94941
(415) 388 - 5540


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