Worship in Many Places
Sunday Service at 10 am, hybrid services: in-person in the Sanctuary or on Zoom.
What can I expect from the service?
Our services are the same whether you are in the sanctuary or online. Each week includes music, images, readings, prayers, and a sermon - and also some time to share what's going on in our lives. You can choose to share or not, however you are comfortable.
How many people will be there?
We are a small, friendly congregation of 20-30, so our worship can be communal and yet touch each of us as individuals. We get to know one another after a while, and we like one another too!
Are there children in worship?
Often, at least one! Children are welcome. We have some toys and writing materials available for young people who enjoy activity.
What happens after worship?
We gather for “coffee hour.” Many of us stay online, or pull up to the camera, for informal conversations. At home: bring your own coffee, tea, and treats! At the church, we have drinks and snacks ready in the social hall.